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How to make a glass partition for the office 100 square meters?

Author: Shenzhen Bauhaus Metal Partition Co., Ltd.Publication time:2018-10-29 21:50:50Browsing:1592smallmiddlelarge

With the development of many people with social and economic development, the makers have started to fire in the past two years. As a company that has just started
With the development of many people with social and economic development, the makers have started to fire in the past two years. As a company that has just started a business, their office is usually only about 100 square meters, the space is not big, but there should be no office space layout, so glass partition is their best choice, then how should everyone choose? What?
According to the numerous cases that we have contacted by Bauhaus, most of the companies that have just started a business are under 100 square meters. In the partition project that we have contacted, we found that most people prefer modern style. They compare Focus on cost performance and environmental protection. Therefore, glass partitions are used as the space separation of the office.

在办公室布局布置上一般都是一个前台、办公区、会议室、经理办公室,卫生间。而我们相信选择In the layout of the office is generally a front desk, office area, conference room, manager's office, bathroom. And we believe that choosing the glass partition wall as the main space of the space is to understand and fancy its advantages:
First, quality
Glass partition: good quality. The finished product partitions are produced by the factory mechanized system. There are strict quality and technical control. The quality is strictly controlled from the source, and the assembly is only on the spot. It is not easy to have the phenomenon of sub-filling. Therefore, the quality is stable.
Second, reset use
Glass partition: frame structure, assembled detachable panel, removable, assembled and assembled during relocation and change, 85% replacement. When you move, please call our after-sales service center, you can install the work-disassembly group according to the new site, and you can add some expenses. Realize the decor that can be taken away.
Third, maintenance
Glass partition: The panel can be removed, and the panels of different materials can be removed and cured.
Fourth, the construction period
The installation of the glass partition is fast, and during the installation process, the position of the glass partition, the door and the window can be changed at will, and the combination can be reused, and the damage to the material is small. The installation of 500 square meters for 20 days is completed.
V. On-site management
The process and quality of the glass partition products are controlled by the factory, and only need to be assembled at the site, which is easy to control the quality of on-site construction, and transform the consumer from the role of supervisor to the viewer!
Sixth, environmental protection
Glass partition: 1. Environmental protection of materials: use Class A fireproof material in line with national building materials standards, can be accommodated after installation, without any irritating odor; 2. Construction environmental protection: only assembly on site, low noise, no dust pollution.
Seven, the price
Glass partition: Because it can be reused and cost-effective, it is not possible to compare prices in a conventional way.
Eight, economic benefits
Glass partition: 1. Reusable, saving the cost of enterprise relocation and decoration; 2. Small design loss on site; 3. Short construction period, effective use of office space.
Then our small company can choose this way in the glass partition of the office:
Manager's office:
Choose double-glazed louver partitions, louvers can be selected from electric manual. If you only want to make a glass partition wall, you can choose the partition wall for other surfaces. Of course, you can also choose the luxury wall-mounted column.

meeting room:
The choice of surface is very wide, double glass louver and frosted glass partition are good now, if the overall style of the office is more modern, you can consider the choice of hidden glass partition.


Due to the small space, designers generally recommend flat desks and give up the use of office screen partitions. The advantage is that the line of sight and space are very comfortable. Whether the office area needs to be separated by glass partitions depends on whether the company needs it. For example, some companies that mainly rely on telephone business often choose multi-type double-glazed partitions as intervals to make the office soundproof better and improve office efficiency.

All of the above mentioned are a general style. When the designer cuts off the designer, he can completely design and decorate according to his own wishes.
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2018-10-29 1592Browsing